My Square Pot Puffs :))))
Pastry Puffs Preparation:
1) Cut 2 slices of 4x4 inches pastry into'll get 8 pcs.
2) Cut a hole in the center of the 4pcs using a cookie cutter.
3) Patch them together with the other you'll get 4 tiny square pots :))
4) Using a fork, poke at the center of the hole and brush puffs with egg yolk.
5) Bake until golden brown.
Filling Preparation:
1) Cook a can of mushroom soup with cubed chicken sausages and cheese.
2) Add some green beans if you like.
3) Spoon in some of the mixture into the baked puffs.
4) Done..serve immediately :)

sedapnya! i like it!!..:))
hi deliah, what a great way to serve these pastries, impressive!
sedappnya tengok puff del tu..
siap ada kuah lagi..he..he..
comelnyerrrr....nak bentuk love! hehehe....
Del ku sudah terguda
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh cantek :)
huhu..sedih tgk puff ni hari ni..abg baru daftarkan akak kat mayfair slimming world..huwaaaaa...2 mggu takleh makan nasi apa lagi menda alah
tapi akak simpan gak resepi dia ni..buat rujukan di masa2 akan dtg..maceh dell..sedapnyaaaaaaa..
Good one.. Like the clicks!
Salam Del,
Kreatip nya you Del. Looks so delicious, surely my kids love this.
Del, begitu ciantik ini puff. Kasi sama saya itu dalam mangkuk boleh ka?
weeeee....pheeeeeeeewit!!! I like the cuts.....err...very much simple n yummy!
This looks irresistible!!!! Feeling like grabbing `em..;)
Prathima Rao
Prats Corner
Simple but looks so irresistible.
Looks yummey this one :) ada some leftover puffs..a toss btw this & nutella filling..budak2 ni cerewet sket arr when comes to puffs
as salam,
nampak sgt menyelerakan ..yummi..yummi!
FLW blog ini ye..^___^
Jom baca: Khas Untuk Semua KAUM WANITA.. mesti baca!!
salam Del...cantiknye dan npk sedap puff tu...leleh2 lg filling nye...sory ye Del baru perasan nk amik award..tq
help me..tlg lap air liur yg meleleh ni..pls..pls...same meleleh ngan kuah pastry tuu..uwaaaaaaaaa
Assalamualaikum Del,
wow so sweet looking, terguder kak nur tengok puff tu...cantik sekali.
wow I love those inside out chicken pot pie!
Salam Kak Del,
Nice idea buat bentuk2 macam tu. mesti si tecikk suka kalau buat ni :)
Psst, thanks for the award :)
nak try lah
very simple dish
dellll yang ku cintaiiiiii... adehhhhh terlepas pandang puff mu yang ayu nan jelita..... dah bes g buatkan lagikkkk
First time here and I enjoyed browsing through your wonderful blog and yummy recipes.... I am bowled over by your wonderful presentation skills.... great going.. glad to follow u.. do visit my blog sometime..
Satu idea yang bijak. Kita suka... :)
Terima kasih kerana award tu. Kita dah lama tak ke sini. Sibuk gak. Nanti kalau ada peluang kita tepek award tu, ya...
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