200 g of thin sliced beef 100 g of mustard greens 6 shallots - blend 4 garlic - blend 5 dried chillies - soak and blend OR *red pepper, de-seeded and cut into small squares :) 1/4 cup of soy sauce 1/4 of tomato sauce sugar and salt to taste 4 tbsp cooking oil - for frying 1/2 cup water
Heat oil in a deep wok. Add in the blended ingredients and fry for about 3-5 minutes. Add in beef and fry until browned all over/soft. Add in the greens *(and red pepper) and cook briefly until they begins to wilt. Stir in the sauces, water, sugar and salt (balance the taste). Bring to boil and then add noodles and warm through, loosening them until they are all coated in sauce. Garnished with tomato and green/red chillies. Enjoy!
Cooking for me is all about balancing the taste. With that done, any dish would be a master chef creations :)
KEBAB DAGING- timun dihiris panjang2, hancurkan daging burger yg digoreng dalam pan, mayonnaise, sos tomato, cili sos, garam, gula, chopped pickles dan lada hitam *kalau suka. Gaul semua dalam mangkuk. Bakar roti pita dan potong dua. Buka poketnya dan isikan bahan2 tadi. Siap!
POPIAH GORENG - timun, sengkuang, kacang buncis, karot (hiris semuanya), taugeh, udang hidup atau isi ketam, bawang merah dan putih, gula dan garam - goreng layu. Tos airnya (boleh diguna untuk buat sos). Masukkan inti dalam kulit popiah dan gulung kemas. Goreng dan hidangkan dengan sos cili.
Crispy fried anchovies - handful
Sugar and salt to taste
Fry shallots, garlic and chili for a while. Pound all ingredients in 'lesung batu'. Add in lime juice, sugar and salt and also a little bit of oil remnants from frying the anchovies earlier. Ready to serve.
2 biji bawang besar - kisar 5 ulas bawang putih - kisar 1 inci halia - kisar 1 inci lengkuas - ketuk 1/2 ketul gula melaka 2 gelas air 1 senduk minyak 10 tangkai cili kering (buang biji,rebus agar lembut dan dikisar dengan sedikit ikan bilis)
Tumis bahan yang dikisar dalam 1 senduk minyak sehingga hampir garing dan masukkan lengkuas. Apabila sudah agak garing sedikit masukkan gula melaka dan juga asam jawa atau pun asam keping. Masukkan 2 gelas air (1000 ml). Masukkan kacang kisar, gula dan garam secukup rasa. Jika anda pandai mengimbangi 3 rasa manis, garam, pedas dan asam anda tidak perlu menggunakan sebarang kiub perasa tambahan (jika perlu gunakan Knoor/Maggi ayam). Pekatkan dengan tepung jagung ataupun mashed potato tanpa garam, butter atau pun susu. Didihkan tetapi rasa semula masinnya kerana garam akan mula hilang rasanya pada suhu didih.
Nota: Kuah dihidangkan dengan cucur tepung (resepi di bawah), ayam goreng yang dihiris, mee (celur), kentang rebus atau goreng, tahu goreng, sengkuang dan timun dihiris memanjang, telur rebus, artificial crab atau fish cake goreng/rebus dan taugeh atau apa-apa sahaja yang bersesuaian :)
Siapalah punya kerja ni...:)
Resepi Cucur Kelapa/Tepung:
500 gram tepung gandum
1/2 paket yis kering
sedikit kelapa parut
sedikit taugeh
sedikit isi ketam
1 sudu kecil garam
1/2 sudu kunyit - untuk warna kuning
Biarkan sehingga adunan tepung dan yis naik
Goreng dalam minyak penuh mcm buat cucur biasa - angkat, toskan dan potong 4.
"Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The Parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass: the glass as it were a brilliant star: Lit from a blessed Tree, an Olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil is well-nigh luminous, though fire scarce touched it: Light upon Light! Allah does guide whom He will to His Light: Allah does set forth Parables for men: and Allah does know all things."
Not all oils are created equal, and the ancient Egyptians, the Persians, the Romans, the Greek and the Italians understand best the different strengths, flavors and aromas that distinguish one oil from the other. Olive oil is pricier than their comparative others, and in Malaysia it has not yet found a place in common kitchen language and cooking terms. A good olive oil is something to be savored, which is why it is always served at the table as an essential condiment. Today, Italy and Iran probably has the greatest diversity of olives everywhere in the world thanks to the variety of their terrain and climate.
Choosing an olive oil is very much down right to personal taste. The right selection would successfully capture the diversity of flavors that makes cooking with olive oil so delectable and enjoyable. It is an art form, so enjoy each cooking when you do with olive oil. I am not an expert at olive oil, but my father who hails from a Middle Eastern origin has taught us some basic tips on olive oil and even some more on its cooking. As for me, I would alternate between my cooking with olive oil and our natural Malaysian palm oil which is cholesterol free and rich in Vitamin E. To me, both of them are healthy. But if you want that extra taste, try olive for a change. But do take note, some traditional Malay dishes such as Rendang, kuih-muih and Serunding would definitely go better with our local palm oil. Don’t try it any other way :)
Well, anyhow here is a list of some simple table guide at selecting olive oil to enliven your cooking concept in Ramadan. It would give some of your cooking an unmistakable Mediterranean flavor.
Delicato: This is a somewhat mild olive oil with broad flavor suitable for most dishes. As it remains stable at very high temperature of up to 250C, it is also ideal for baking, BBQ or frying dishes.
Extra Vergine: This is made from the first harvesting and the first pressing of olives. It is packed with superb fruity flavors and has a very soothing fragrant aroma. This is also suitable in the preparations of salads and especially superb to go with the Iranian dish Sabzi Khordan. It could also just be eaten fresh with bread! This is table olive oil.
Gentile: This is mellow oil, with a sweet, fruity flavor which won’t overpower the taste of delicate dishes such as fish, prawns, crab, or chicken set for slight frying or roasting.
Robusto: This is the full flavored, peppery olive oil that’s delicious with antipasti, red meats and hearty pastas and even the risotto. Robusto would stand high heat almost similar to Delicato, and I would use this kind of oil in making meatballs or roasted lamb.
Tradizionale: This is the unfiltered variant and the one that would sometimes requires “acquired taste” to its liking. It’s very peppery and raw in taste and texture. It would stand high temperature of up to 220C. It is suitable for roasting and BBQ of lamb.