Meat loaf is a simple basic easy to make home “comfort” food. It is basic, low in cost and easy to make whilst at the same time, containing very good nutritional values and depending on your kinds of side garnishing, it may in the final presentation be transformed into one healthy nutritious meal for the whole family. It is perfect for iftar as it is not too heavy on you and that helps during tarawih prayers.
The world’s total meat supply was 71 million tons in 1961 but by 2007, it was estimated to be around 284 million tons. Global per capita consumption has more than doubled over that period. Surprisingly, in the developing world, the numbers even rose twice as fast, doubling in the last 20 years suggesting that as our income per capita gets better, so does our diets too. A 2009 projection had stated that global meat consumption is expected to double again by year 2050 to almost 550 million tons per year.
Could there be enough resources for that? Would the environment of tomorrow be able to support human imminent desire for more food? That’s another topic I guess.
Meatloaf has high protein value and protein is one of the basic building blocks of the human body. Muscle, hair, skin, and connective tissue are mainly made up of protein. And if you chose from an organic beef source for your meatloaf, it would also mean that your meatloaf dish may contain a lesser amount of cholesterol too and that makes it healthier. To be frank, I much prefer the “Malaysianized” meatloaf (no offense) over the other alternatives I have tried.
Easy Peasy Malaysianized Meatloaf Recipe:
1 package of creamy soup mix (any flavor you may like)
A tip on making the beef well mashed together is by using a full cup of home made breadcrumbs. It would also serves as absorptions for the beef melted fats as you bake later.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Mix the soup mix, ground beef, brad crumbs, egg and milk together. Form the combination into a well packed and greased loaf shaped pan (or just use a non stick pan). Combine the rest of the ingredients and spoon onto the top of the meatloaf (so that you get the spicy taste as you first bite into the meatloaf!). Bake uncovered, for about an hour. When done, take the meatloaf out of the baking pan and place on a serving plate. Let stand for 10 minutes (to cool down) before slicing. Serve with your own style and your own taste side garnishing. ENJOY!

sedapnya menu berbuka tu del..
akak masih lagi berpuasa ni..esok last..mmm..terasa ringan je badan bila kita berpuasa.kesihatan pun rasa selesa..mmg banyak kelebihan dgn berpuasa ni kan?
Assalamualaikum del..
sedapnya menu tu ... seronok berpuasa.. cuma diana jer masih cuti..^_^ Tapi puasa ganti dah lama dah siap ganti dulu... Alhamdulillah
salam Del...sedap nmpk menu buka ni Del...
Salam kak del!!! sedapnyerrr simple tp dah cukup mengenyangkan utk iftar ni kan kak :-) mekaseh kembali utk doanyer.
wah sedapnya nampak.. suka tgk makan2 gini... bagus ni untuk diet ye
sedapnya nampak the meatloaf. Boleh masuk dalam menu ramadhan. I love recipes yg simple dan menyenangkan bila berbuka. tak sakit kepala nak perah otak, pikir apa nak masak :)
sedapnya dell..kalau cicah dgn sos lada hitam best ni...hehehe..saya tengah kemaruk sos lada hitam...almaklumla baru pandai buat sos lada hitam sendiri..heheheh
owh dear, simply mengguda mulooooot, ahaks.....mak dataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang!!!
lovely! :) ann&pete
sedapnyer meatloaf tue...leh try nih ;D mash n gravy pon yummy..e suke2
wahhhhh....sedappnya menu berbuka kau tu del.....
menyelerakan betoiii...
simple, menarik dan yang penting mengenyangkan....i like:)
waduh..kalu berbuka puasa menu cenggini mmg terduduk jap masa nk solat maghrib tu sbb ter'overeaten' lak..hehe!
Kita dah lama usha meat loaf punye recipe ni kak Del. tak terbuat buat lagi. it looks delicious, of course :)
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