Today I spent a lot of time reading about fathers’ day. Its father’s day right here and now, and my mind raced far back into time to find our home again.
It was not easy raising us all; that I readily acknowledge today and perpetually admits. But you did such an incredible job beyond the expectations of many. You created a solid platform for us to rise and spring forth to find and become our best in the world today.
Today we tell your grandchildren of who you were apart from just the grandfather they knew you then. We told them of your journey from an impoverished childhood to great wisdom and success in the path of education that you have pursued tirelessly. Your accomplishments have never been forgotten. Through education you elevated all of us into who we have always been and today we keep telling your grandchildren that they too may one day track your path into prominence by virtues of their own honest hard works.
The sight of you cooking your signature dish; Mutton Bamya in the kitchen over 30 years ago lives within my mind for all eternity. I didn’t know then that I would remember that happy day for the rest of my life! The memories when all of us would pray together before dinner and then those extra mathematics drilling right after dinner could still even today whack alertness into my focus and mind!
I guess what I’m trying to say, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their father today. Honoring a Father on Father’s Day is about more than a father who brings home a paycheck, shares a dinner table, and attends school functions, graduations, and weddings. It isn’t even so much about cooking and teaching us mathematics formulas, and the finer art of mental focus. It’s more about unconditionally loving your children who were sometimes snotty and stubborn, who acted like they knew everything and won’t listen to anyone. It’s about respect, and sharing, and acceptance, and tolerance, and giving, and taking. It’s about loving someone more than words can say and it’s about showing us our best and then telling us to just keep being our best in the world.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We love you dearest Abah and miss you so much...and I sent this in a letter that I have written especially for you today on father's' day. A letter I sends back in time, into the warm corners of my mind with much love and gratitude to The World's BEST Abah :)
Al Fatihah.

WORLD'S BEST ABAH - Happy Father's Day! :)