Sunday, August 30, 2009
FOOD ALLERGY - what every parent needs to know
It has been 100 years since the word “allergy” was first coined in 1906 and yet we have not found a cure for it. Therefore, prevention remains the only way to curb allergy. And it is every parent’s duty to give his or her child an allergy-free life.
In the present threat of A-H1N1, it would also be prudent for us to watch our diet intake as the wrong food, could always induce our allergies into going hyper active in mere minutes! Always avoid foods that have rich preservatives/bacterial contents. Belacan, cheese, udang kering, ikan kering (all the good stuffs!) & etc…well you know the drill, different people different food groups! Eat healthy food and enjoy a healthier life style. Make it a part of daily living.
What Every Parent Needs To Know About Food Allergy
Allergy is on the rise in many countries across the world including
Let’s Start By Getting To Know The Basics About Food Allergy
Is your child at risk of food allergy?
Food allergy is increasingly common and is distressing for both parents and children. Although it has no age barriers, food allergy usually begins during the first year of life. Most children outgrow certain allergies by the time they go to school: however, in many others, they persist into adulthood. Those at highest risk are those with family history of allergies.
How does food allergy come about?
Normally, the immune system attacks harmful bacteria, viruses and foreign substances in the body while recognizing food as harmless. Food allergy arises when the immune system mistakes a particular food component, usually as protein, as dangerous and attacks it.
What are the symptoms of food allergy?
The symptoms of food allergy include itchiness, eczema, dermatitis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, wheezing, asthma and bronchitis. Most reactions are mild but some individuals may have severe reactions that can be fatal.
What kind of food can cause allergy?
Any food is capable of causing allergy, some more than others. Highly allergic food includes cow’s milk, egg white, soy, fish, shellfish, crab, shrimp, lobster or crayfish, and peanut. Allergy to cow’s milk is particularly common in infants.
Why is allergy prevention important?
Although affective treatments are available, there are currently no cures for allergies. Therefore, it makes sense to prevent allergies, if possible, in infants and children. Furthermore, the incidence of allergies is increasing (35%) and presents a major childhood problem. Long-term protection is needed as the development of one allergy can predispose your child to further allergies – for example, food allergies, later in life. The cost of treating allergies is also constantly increasing not only in terms of healthcare but also the hidden cost of poor quality of life for your child and family.
What should I do to prevent my child from developing allergies?
The best way to prevent allergies is to breastfeed your baby exclusively for at least 6 months. it is It is the perfect hypoallergenic milk and an important source of antibodies called immunoglobulin A (Ig A). The following measures have also been proven to be highly affective in preventing or reducing the food allergy risk:
· Recognize your baby’s allergy risk by recording your family allergy history
· If you are unable to breastfeed due to medical reasons, discuss with your doctor other options such as hypoallergenic formula
· Soy milk and goat’s milk formulae DO NOT effectively reduce the risk allergies
· Wean your baby only after the sixth month onwards. Introduce one new food a week but avoid highly allergenic foods for the first year ( refer to the Guide for Prudent Weaning for more information)
· Take measures to reduce the amount of dust in the house
· No pets at home or at the child care center
· No smoking during pregnancy or in the presence of your child
What is hypoallergenic milk formula?
Today, advanced food research can modify cow’s milk proteins to become less allergic. Using a process called hydrolysis, the potential for allergic reactions of the proteins is reduced by breaking them down into smaller particles by using enzymes such as alcalase. A hypoallergenic milk formula is one in which its protein is less allergenic and is formulated to prevent allergies.
Is soy formula better at preventing allergies than cow’s milk formula?
No. Studies have shown that the use of soy formula does not prevent the development of allergies in children. About 15-50% of children who are allergic to cow’s milk are also allergic to soy milk. In fact, studies have shown that the use of hypoallergenic milk formulas in high risk infants reduces the risk of developing eczema and cow’s milk allergy in infancy and childhood.
And Now, For More Interesting Facts and Finding About Allergy
Our intestine is the larger immune organ of the body
Let’s take a peep at our intestine. Apart from being a digestive organ, our intestine contains about 80% of all antibody-producing cells in the body, making it our largest immune organ. our intestine is also home to trillions of bacteria, both friendly and unfriendly, forming what we call the intestinal micro flora, which apart from keeping us generally healthy, also plays an important part in the prevention of allergy.
Introducing the friendly bacteria, Bifido-bacteria (or Bifidobacteria)
A newborn’s intestine is sterile but within hours of birth, it becomes colonized by microorganisms from the mother’s birth canal and the environment. In exclusively breastfed infants, a particular type of friendly bacteria, the Bifidobacteria, becomes dominant and eventually makes up 99% of the total bacterial count.
Bifidobacteria plays an important role in the prevention of allergies
At birth, your child’s immune system is immature and so is susceptible to infections and allergy. Bifidobacteria stimulates the maturation and functions of your child’s intestinal immune system. In fact, it was found that young children suffering from allergies have less bifidobacteria compared to those without allergies. In addiction, bifidobacteria also offers protection against intestinal infections caused by harmful bacteria. An example of such an infection is gastroenteritis which leads to diarrhea. Diarrhea is still the leading cause of infant mortality in many underdeveloped countries.
Unfortunately, the population of Bifidobacteria can be jeopardized through several ways…
Method delivery of an infant:
The mother’s gut, skin and vaginal flora are sources of bacteria for colonizing the newborn’s intestine. Hence, the method of birth influences the infant’s intestinal microflora. It was found that an infant born through caesarean section, where there is no contact with his mother’s vaginal flora and faecal flora, experienced a delay in building of their normal intestinal microflora and this microflora may be disturbed for up to 6 months after birth. Caesarean-born infants also have less bifidobacteria, especially if they were not breastfed or were breastfed for only a short time.
The introduction of solid foods leads to changes in the intestinal microflora where the number of bifidobacteria decreases. Incidentally, weaning is also a high risk period because new foods given to the child naturally bring with them risks of food allergy.
But fortunately, the Bifidobacteria population can be restored with bifidogenic nutrients or probiotic
Breast milk has special bifidogenic properties that encourage the growth of Bifidobacteria. For example, breast milk has high lactose, low phosphorus and good quality protein. For mothers who are unable to breastfeed due to medical reasons, milk formulas added with these bifidogenic nutrients are available.
Probiotics are live cultures of friendly bacteria that are used as food ingredients. When ingested, these friendly bacteria offer health benefits to the host, which include:
- Protection against allergic diseases
- Protection against intestinal infections which may cause diarrhea
- Help in the absorption of minerals
- Help in the synthesis of vitamin B and K
One good example of probiotic bacteria is bifidobacteria, which has been successfully added to children’s foods like milk, yogurt and yogurt drinks. Clinical trials have also shown that bifidobacterial cab help improve intestinal health of infants and young children and improve their bowel movements.
DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and its role in the prevention of allergies
DHA is a long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA), which not only is required for optimal brain and visual development, but also helps in your child’s immune response with its strong anti-inflammatory actions. Two recent studies have shown that giving DHA-rich fish oil to infants during the first year of life, decreased their risks of allergic rhinitis and asthma up to their fourth year in childhood.
Guide to Prudent Weaning
Food which are least likely to cause allergic reactions:
- rice
- carrot
- pear
- apple
- prune
Foods which are usually well tolerated, but occasionally cause allergic reactions:
- barley
- oats
- wheat
- beef
- lamb
- chicken
- broccoli
- cabbage
- potato
- spinach
- corn (and corn oil)
- banana
- turnip
- egg yolk (must be fully cooked)
- legumes (Soya bean, beans)
- fish
Food which are highly allergic:
- seafood (e.g.: prawn, crabs, dried and fresh scallops)
- egg white
- peanuts
Consult your doctor today and protect your baby against allergy.
You may read further at this web site, just click: http://www.xyzofallergy.org
Persatuan Alergi Imunologi
Malaysian Society of Allergy and Immunology (MSAI)

FOOD ALLERGY - what every parent needs to know
Saturday, August 29, 2009
BUN KELEDEK - inti kacau keledek!

BUN KELEDEK - inti kacau keledek!
Friday, August 28, 2009

1 cawan tepung pulut
1/2 ketul gula melaka - potong kecil2
1/2 biji kelapa parut - buang kulit arinya
1 sk garam

a) Mencegah Penyakit Kronik Seperti Penyakit Jantung & Kencing Manis. Berdasarkan kajian Prof. Madya Asiah Zain, Pensyarah Sains Makanan, Fakulti Sains Makanan dan Bioteknologi, Universti Putra Malaysia (UPM) menyatakan "Dari segi perubatan, amalan memakan kurma setiap hari boleh mengurangkan risiko seseorang diserang penyakit kronik seperti jantung dan kencing manis kerana mengandungi zat galian seperti potasium, kalsium dan zat besi yang boleh menyihatkan sel darah merah". (BERITA HARIAN, SELASA, 20 FEBRUARI, 2001)
b) Merangsang Dan Memudahkan Kehamilan. Buah kurma mampu memanaskan badan dan merangsang kesihatan wanita hamil dan anak yang dikandung, memudahkan wanita bersalin dan memberi tenaga.
c) Membunuh Kuman Dalam Badan, Saidina Ali r.a. meriwayatkan "Barangsiapa yang memakan 7 butir tamar setiap hari, ia akan membunuh semua kuman di dalam badannya".
Kecerdasan Minda
a) Bagi tujuan mencapai kecerdasan minda dan membantu proses tumbesaran, kanak-kanak digalakkan memakan lebih banyak buah kurma kerana ia memberi khasiat dari segi proses pembesaran, sekaligus membentuk minda kanak-kanak yang sihat.
b) Tenaga Segera dalam Maksud Firman Allah s.w.t. di dalam Surah Maryam: Ayat 25-26:"Dan goyangkanlah pangkal pohon kurma itu ke arahmu, nescaya pohon itu akan menggugurkan buah kurma yang masak kepadamu, maka makan serta minumlah dan bersenang hatilah kamu".
Khasiat Kurma
Kurma adalah sejenis tumbuhan (Palma) atau dikenali dalam bahasa saintifiknya sebagai Phoneix Dactylifera yang berbuah dan boleh dimakan sama ada yang masak atau yang mentah. Kebanyakan pokok kurma tumbuh di negara-negara Arab dan mempunyai berbagai-bagai jenis. Antara kurma yang terkenal ialah kurma Mekkah dan Madinah yang dikatakan mempunyai berpuluh-puluh jenis.
Dikalangan penduduk di negara-negara Arab kurma adalah makanan utama mereka, malah dikalangan orang kita juga kurma sudah menjadi bahan makanan yang digemari. Selain rasanya yang manis dan tahan lama serta tidak perlu dimasak, kurma juga mempunyai khasiat yang banyak dan menjadi makanan utama Baginda Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam.
Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam telah menyebutkan tentang khasiat sejenis kurma yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari yang bermaksud :"Diceritakan oleh Jumaah bin Abdullah yang disampaikan oleh Marwan yang mendapat berita daripada Ibnu Hashim bahawa Amir bin Saad mendengar bapanya meriwayatkan Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam bersabda : "Sesiapa yang memakan 7 biji tamar ‘Ajwah’ dia akan terkawal daripada kejutan syaitan dan sihir pada hari itu".
Khasiat kurma "Ajwah" sebagaimana yang tersebut di dalam hadis di atas merupakan satu kelebihan yang dikurniakan Allah Subhanahu Wataala sesuai dengan kemuliannya sebagai jenis kurma pertama yang ditanam sendiri oleh Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam.
Berdasarkan ini juga Baginda Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam menganjurkan kita supaya berbuka puasa dengan buah kurma sebagaimana sabdanya daripada Anas bermaksud :"Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam berbuka puasa dengan beberapa biji buah kurma sebelum sembahyang. Sekiranya tiada terpadat kurma, maka Baginda Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam akan berbuka dengan beberapa biji anggur. Sekiranya tiada anggur, maka Baginda meminum beberapa teguk air. (Hadis riwayat Ahmad)
Komposisi Nutrisi Buah Kurma bagi setiap hidangan 100 gram
(Nutrient units value per 100 grams of edible portion )
Energy in kcal: 277
Energy in kj: 1160
Protein: 181 g
Total lipid (fat): 0.15 g
Ash: 1.74 g
Carbohydrate, by difference: 74.97 g
Fiber, total dietary: 6.7 g
Sugars, total: 66.47 g
Sucrose: 0.53 g
Glucose (dextrose): 33.68 g
Fructose : 31.95 g
Lactose: 0.00 g
Maltose: 0.30 g
Galactose: 0.00 g
Calcium, Ca: 64 mg
Iron, Fe: 0.90 mg
Magnesium, Mg: 0.54 mg
Phosphorus, P: 0.62 mg
Potassium, K : 696 mg
Sodium, Na: 1 mg
Zinc, Zn: 0.44mg
Copper, Cu: 0.362 mg
Manganese, Mn: 0.296 mg
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid: 10.0 mg
Thiamin: 0.050 mg
Riboflavin : 0.060 mg
Niacin: 1.610 mg
Pantothenic acid: 0.805 mg
Vitamin B-6: 02.49 mg
Folate, total: 15 mcg
Folic acid: 0 mcg
Folate, food: 15 mcg
Folate, DFE: 15 mcg-DFE
Vitamin A, IU: 149
Vitamin A, RAE: 7 mcg-RAE
Vitamin K (phylloquinone): 2.7 mcg
(USFDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release #17 Year 2004)
Hadith Berkaitan Kurma
Abu Abdillah a.s. bersabda: "Orang yang memakan 7 buah kurma yang baik sebelum sarapan, maka pada hari itu dia tidak akan tertimpa racun, sihir dan tidak diganggu syaitan".
Imam Ja'far Ash-Shadiq a.s. bersabda: "Barangsiapa memakan 7 buah kurma yang baik, maka cacing-cacing yang ada di perutnya akan mati".

AYAM PERCIK - tinggal 2 je lagi....:)

AYAM PERCIK - tinggal 2 je lagi....:)

AGAR AGAR CENDOL - Table For Two...Or More :)
Kali ni buat bentuk lain pula...Recipe, click HERE! Thanks to WENDY for sharing.. :)

AGAR AGAR CENDOL - Table For Two...Or More :)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
TEPUNG GOMAK...tersilap!! :)))

TEPUNG GOMAK...tersilap!! :)))
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
ROTI @ KAYU KERAMAT - terima kasih daun keladi :)

ROTI @ KAYU KERAMAT - terima kasih daun keladi :)
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cendol Layer:
500ml water
170gm sugar
250ml water
25gm jelly strips with 7ml water
250 ml coconut milk
small pinch of salt
30gm corn starch - to make the cendol floating
500gm cendol (2 cups, drained)
1) Mix jelly powder with 250ml water, set aside
2) Mix cornstarch, salt and coconut milk together, set aside.
3) Bring 500ml water and sugar to boil. When solution has come to a boil, pour in jelly mixture.
4) Bring to a boil again, lower heat and pour in cornstarch mixture, stirring all the while.
5) On medium heat , bring back to a boil. Remove from heat and put in drained cendol. Mix well.
6) Pour into jelly cups.
7) Let it cool for about an hour.
8) Use cookie cutter to cut out the center of the jelly.
9) Set aside and do the brown layer.
Brown Layer:
200gm gula melaka
750ml water
2 pandan leaves - knotted
250ml water
25gm jelly strips with 7ml water.
1) Bring 750ml water, gula melaka and pandan knot to a boil and simmer until the gula melaka has totally dissolved.
2) Mix jelly powder with 250ml water and pour into the pot. Bring to a boil again.
3) Remove pot from heat.
4) Pour in brown layer slowly, carefully using a sieve and let it set and cool down.
5) Chill in fridge.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Rania and Suzi :)
365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Rania and Suzi :)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
GREEN APPLE SALAD - salad epal hijau

GREEN APPLE SALAD - salad epal hijau
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
SIRAP BANDUNG...& Nasi Jagung. :)
@ x perlu langsung letak gula pasir.
kalau nak frothy bandung, shake air bandung dgn ais dlm bottle,jgn sampai 'meletup' sudah :)

SIRAP BANDUNG...& Nasi Jagung. :)
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Put the flour, baking soda, and salt in a medium-sized bowl. Mix them together with a whisk to combine. Put the shortening in the bowl of your stand mixer (or in a large mixing bowl, if you’re using a hand-held mixer). Beat it on medium-high for a few minutes to fluff it up. Scrape down the sides of your bowl with a spatula. Toss in the brown sugar. Add the egg and vanilla extract. Beat on medium-high to combine well. Add in the cereal and the flour mixture. Beat quickly to combine well. Stop mixing when the dough just comes together and all the flour is mixed in and a dough is form. Dust flour over a surface and roll out the dough to ½cm thick. Use the star-shaped cutter to cut out stars in the dough, then use a spatula to lift the stars onto the baking tray. Sprinkle a little bit of cereal on top. When you’re ready to bake, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat.Space the cookies out on your prepared sheet pan.Bake at 160 degrees for about 10 minutes.You want the cookies to be just golden brown.Let them cool on the pan for about 5 minutes, then transfer them to a wire rack to finish cooling. Enjoy!

The Perseids is the name of a meteor shower associated with the comet Swift-Tuttle. The Perseids are so-called because the point they appear to come from, called the "radiant belt" that lies in the Constellation Perseus that is thousands of light years away from our own Milky Way. The show of Perseids is always best seen in the Northern Hemisphere from July to August. In Malaysia, it would be visible on crispy clear skies from 1 am to 4am, sometimes as many as 60 meteors per hour. In my younger days then, I would always stay up to catch the Perseids from the Northern Hemisphere, and this year we managed to spot a few of Perseid's show streaking way up in the clear breezy night sky way past midnight!
Truly, Allah is Great. Allahuakbar!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
SABZI KHORDAN - A Persian Tradition

SABZI KHORDAN - A Persian Tradition

Since the Avian H5N1 Bird Flu, scientists and researchers have been looking for a cure to these rapidly spreading viruses. Today's Swine Flu bears resemblance to the Avian Flu and reacts the same way to medications.
Resvevatrol alone does not cure the H1N1 flu, but it helps to boost the immune system against H1N1 and researchers have discovered that a blend of antioxidants significantly reduces the duplication of both the H1N1 Swine Flu and the H5N1 Avian Bird Flu. In a lab test scientists infected mice with the H5N1 bird flu and then administered high doses of Resveratrol to them. 90% of the mice that were administered Resveratrol even 3 hours after getting infected suffered little to no sickness at all. Today, scientists are mixing the various existing anti-viral bodies into a new serum to fight off the H1N1 virus.
Resveratrol is produced by plants to fight infection and disease. That's the whole purpose of it; it's a natural and best form of antibiotic. Resveratrol (trans-Resveratrol) is a Phytoalexin produced naturally by several plants when under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi. Previously it was thought that Resvevatrol could extend life (the fountain of youth). But after more and more researches are being done about it, its natural Phytoalexin properties have wider medial applications over cosmetics. Meaning that – Hollywood best stick to Botox and leave this one out for medical use.
Resveratrol is found naturally in red wine vinegar, pure grape juice (not the sparkling variant people), grapes, peanuts, Japanese knotweed, and dark chocolate. Drink grape juice for breakfast, eat grape fruits (not really grape but taste good anyway) add some peanuts to your daily diet, and drink a cup of delicious warm dark chocolate after dinner.
Until the anti-viral serum comes on the market sometimes beginning November (mass availability), it would be best to avoid the H1N1 all together. Personal hygiene and public hygiene conduct must be observed with rigorously. Use face mask when out, or when nursing even an ordinary flu at home. Carry with you mini hand washing liquid/napkins with anti-bacterial properties. Sneeze into a handkerchief. When the H1N1 virus lands on a surface, it would stay alive up to 4 hours. So always remember to clean your hands and do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with a dirty unwashed pair of hands (or anything else really).
All in all it goes back to one thing: PROTECTING MOTHER NATURE!
Any ailment that God has sent us comes with a cure as was promised by Him except old age and its subsequent station after that one. God has reminded us countless of time about the pressing need to always treasure and care for Mother Nature. Maybe this is the timely reminder for us, when we go back to a simple plant for an alarming global pandemic cure over humankind.
In all of our holy books, yours and mine, God has countlessly reminds us to such an urgent need; to protect care and nurture the environment.
Here are some quotes from mine:
"And gardens of date-palms and grapes would appear; and springs of running water would gush forth from within it". (Yassin verse 34)
"The fruits of the trees provide nutrition; and all this is not the product of their hands only, but is brought about as per Our Laws". (Yassin verse 35)
"If any Muslim plants any plant and human being or an nimal eats of it, he will be rewarded as if he had given that much in charity" - Hadith: Sahih Al-Bukhari; 8:41
"He who cuts a lote-tree (without justification), God will send him to Hellfire." - Hadith Al-Tirmidhi
Please click here for a Friday Khutbah on protecting nature and the environment.
See Al-Tirmidhi 5239.
Well, those were some of the verses from the holy Quran and some Hadiths (my holy books). And on to you is yours, and together we can make this world a better place for our children.
Peace to all mankind and earth.

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Drawing input in accordance with the Sunna (the practices of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) and modern research findings, a simple and healthy dietary plan is given below:
1. Bread/Cereal/Rice, Pasta, Biscuits and Cracker Group: 6-11 servings/ per-day;
2. Meat/Beans/ Nut Group: 2-3 servings/day.
3. Milk and Milk Product Group: 2-3 servings/day.
4. Vegetable Group: 3-5 servings/day;
5. Fruit Group: 2-4 servings/day.
6. Added sugar (table sugar, sucrose): sparingly.
7. Added fat, polyunsaturated oil 4-7 table spoons.
Breakfast, iftar:
Dates (three)
Juice, 1 serving (4 oz.)
Vegetable soup with some pasta or graham crackers, 1 cup
The body's immediate need at the time of iftar is to get an easily available energy source in the form of glucose for every living cell, particularly the brain and nerve cells. Dates and juices are good sources of sugars. Dates and juice in the above quantity are sufficient to bring low blood glucose levels to normal levels fairly quick. Juice and soup help maintain water and mineral balance in the body. An unbalanced diet and too many servings of kuih and sweets with added sugar have been found to be unhealthy.
Consume moderately foods from all the following food groups:
Meat/Bean Group: Chicken, beef, lamb, goat, fish, 1-2 servings (serving size = a slice =1 oz); green pea, chickpea (garbanzo, humus), green gram, black gram, lentil, lima bean and other beans, 1 serving (half cup). Meat and beans are a good source of protein, minerals, and certain vitamins. Beans are a good source of dietary fiber, as well.
Rice/Bread/Cereal Group: A serving of rice roughly the portion of a Chinese bowl, whole wheat bread, or you may put both in a moderate combination. This group is a good source of complex carbohydrates, which are a good source of energy and provide some protein, minerals, and dietary fiber.
Milk Group: Milk or butter-milk (lassi without sugar), yogurt or cottage cheese (one cup). Those who can not tolerate whole milk must try fermented products such as butter-milk and yogurt or even soya milk. If you have sinus problem, go easy on the buttermilk. Milk and dairy products are good sources of protein and calcium, which are essential for body tissue maintenance and several physiological functions.
Vegetable Group: Mixed vegetable salad, 1 serving (one cup), (lettuce, carrot, parsley, cucumber, broccoli, coriander leaves, cauliflower or other vegetables as desired.) Add 2 teaspoons of olive oil or any polyunsaturated oil and 2 spoons of vinegar. Polyunsaturated fat provides the body with essential fatty acids and keto acids. Cooked vegetables such as beans, French beans, okra (kacang bendi or bhindi), eggplant (terung), bottle gourd (peria), cabbage, spinach, 1 serving (4 oz). Vegetables are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin A, carotene, lycopenes, and other phytochemicals, which are antioxidants. These are helpful in the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and many other health problems.
Fruits Group: 1-2 servings of citrus and/or other fruits. Eat fruits as the last item of the dinner or soon after dinner, to facilitate digestion and prevent many gastrointestinal problems. Citrus fruits provide vitamin C. Fruits are a good source of dietary fiber. If you are taking Vitamin C, you may try the C Complex kind, as it packs in more nutrients over the base Ascorbic Acid only C.
Fruits and mixed nuts may be eaten as a snack after dinner or before sleep. You may also try fruity muesli bars for a quick snack on the go as you head out for terawih prayers.
Pre-dawn Meal (Sahur):
Please do try and consume a light sahur. Eat whole wheat or oat cereal or whole wheat bread, 1-2 serving with a cup of warm milk. Add 2-3 teaspoons of olive oil or any other monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats in a salad or the cereal. Eat 1-2 servings of fruits, as a last item. You may just make a really nice sandwich with fresh Bolognese and Afalfa, fresh tomatoes, fresh salads and mayonnaise. You may eat 1 or 2 servings of these. But go easy on the mayo as it contains vinegar, and acidic intake is a must watch during Ramadan.
Blood cholesterol and uric acid levels are sometimes briefly elevated during the month of Ramadan, and contrary to popular thinking, it was found that intake of a moderately high-fat diet, around 36% of the total energy (calories), improved blood cholesterol profile. It also prevents the elevation of blood uric acid level! The normal recommended guideline for fat is 30% or less energy. On weight basis, suggested fat intake during Ramadan is almost the same as at normal days. Fat is required for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and carotenoids. So please do eat as you would always do during Ramadan, don’t cut down on anything normal without a good reason or medical advice. Remember, Ramadan is not a crash diet period. Go at it normally and the waist result would astound you!
Essential fatty acids are an important component of the cell membrane. They also are required for the synthesis of the hormone prostaglandin. Keto-acids from fat are especially beneficial during Ramadan to meet the energy requirement of brain and nerve cells. Keto-acids also are useful in the synthesis of glucose through the metabolic pathway of gluco-neo-genesis. This reduces the breakdown of body proteins for better glucose synthesis. Therefore, the energy equivalent of 1-2 bread/cereal servings may be replaced with a polyunsaturated fat if available.
During Ramadan increased gastric acidity is often noticed, exhibiting itself with symptoms such as a burning feeling in the stomach, a heaviness in the stomach, and a sour mouth. Whole wheat bread, vegetables, beans, and fruits – all excellent sources of dietary fiber helping to trigger muscular action, churning and mixing food, breaking food into small particles, binding bile acids, opening the area between the stomach and the deudenum-jejunum and moving digesta in the small intestine. Thus, dietary fiber helps reduce gastric acidity and excess bile acids. In view of dietary fiber's role in moving digesta, it could be established that it does indeed prevents constipation. It's strongly suggested that peptic ulcer patients avoid spicy foods and consult a doctor for appropriate medicine and diet.
For Diabetics
Diabetic subjects, particularly severe type I (insulin dependent) or type II (non-insulin dependent), must consult their doctor for the type and dosage of medicine, and diet and precautions to be taken during the month. For type I insulin dependant, on the advice of your doctor you may have to alter your insulin mix (between Monotard and Actrapid) and you may also have to perfectly time your insulin intake and food intake at iftar. Do not syringe in the insulin from home if you are breaking fast out side say at a hotel or buffet. You may have problem with KL traffic, getting parking and getting a table and finally getting food to feed your insulin filled body! Always go earlier, get a good table, get the food ready and then you jab in the insulin and time it perfectly on your watch to iftar timing. Try talking to your doctor about using the “Pen” syringe kind, over the normal plastic single use only needle and syringe. That would make it easier and more safely hygienic. Remember this: Always spare with you throughout the whole day a serving of fresh red apples, muesli bars, maybe a Mars Bar and 2 bottles of mineral water. If you begin to feel light, chances are you have accidentally gone hypo over activities. So calmly sit down and munch on the food spared. Do not lose this life saving spare kit! PLEASE CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE COMMENCING RAMADAN.
Pregnant and Lactating women
Pregnant and lactating women's needs for energy and nutrients are more critical than the needs of men. There is a possibility of health complications to the pregnant woman and the fetus or the lactating mother and the breastfed child, if energy and nutrient requirements are not met during the month of Ramadan. Governments, communities, and heads of the family must give highest priority to meet women's dietary needs.
Malnutrition and strenuous conditions may lead to medical problems and danger to life.
Under these conditions one must consult a medical doctor for treatment and maulana or shiekh for postponement or other suggestions regarding fasting. Quran Al-Hakeem and Hadith allow pregnant women and lactating mothers flexibility during the month of Ramadan. There are other ways to make up for it ladies.
Further suggestions:
Drink sufficient water between Iftar and sleep to avoid dehydration. this would be felt more on the middle of the 1st week of Ramadan as the body is adjusting to the new cycle. So always drink plenty of liquid. Try homemade barley juice drinks!
Consume sufficient vegetables at meals. Eat fresh fruits at the end of the meal.
Avoid intake of high sugar (table sugar, sucrose) foods through kuih, sweets or other forms.
Avoid spicy foods all together if you could. Acar, just dab slightly into it if you must.
Avoid caffeine drinks such as coke, coffee or tea. Caffeine is a diuretic. Three days to five days before Ramadan gradually reduce the intake of these drinks. A sudden decrease in caffeine prompts headaches, mood swings and irritability. This is hard to do, but if you could do it, would be beneficial in a big way for you.
Smoking is a health risk factor. Avoid smoking cigarettes. If you cannot give up smoking, cut down gradually starting a few weeks before Ramadan. Smoking negatively affects utilization of various vitamins, metabolites and enzyme systems in the body. Quit smoking all together!
Normal or overweight people should not gain weight. For overweight people Ramadan is an excellent opportunity to lose weight. Underweight or marginally normal weight people are discouraged from losing weight. Don’t skip on your required daily intake requirements.
It is recommended that everyone engage in some kind very of light pleasant exercise, such as stretching or walking. But sometimes, we already achieve this at work on our feet ;) It's perhaps just to highlight on the importance to follow good time management practices.
In summary, intake of a balanced diet is critical to maintain good health, sustain an active lifestyle and attain the full benefits of Ramadan. Moderation, patience and submission best sums it up.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

In fact, people do not realize that the chief obstacle to fasting lies in overcoming cultural, social and psychological fears of going without food. Fasting is the most effective method of purifying the blood, organs, and all bodily tissues and helps to ward off premature degenerations of the body. Laboratory tests conducted on rats showed that fasting helped extend their average life span by up to 50 per cent. During the month long fast of Ramadan, the metabolic rate of a fasting person slows down and other regulatory mechanisms gradually starts functioning again.
A diet that has less than normal intake of food, but is nutrient-balanced is still sufficient to keep a person healthy and active during Ramadan. Health problems can emerge because of excess food intake, foods that make the diet unbalanced and insufficient sleep. Ultimately also, such a lifestyle contradicts the essential requirements and spirit of Ramadan. Fasting in general has been used in medicine for medical reasons including weight management, for resting the digestive tract and lowering lipids. Psychological effects of fasting:
· lowering of cholesterol
· lowering of the systolic blood pressure, and
· utilization of body and dietary fat.
In fact, Ramadan fasting would be ideal recommendation for treatment of mild to moderate, stable, non-insulin dependent diabetes, obesity, and essential hypertension. On the other hand, patients who are suffering from severe diseases, like diabetes, coronary artery disease and kidney stones are exempted from fasting and should seek medical advice if they wish to fast.
Ramadan Fasting vs. Crash Diet
There are many adverse effects of total fasting as well as so-called crash diet. Ramadan fasting is different from crash diets, because there is no malnutrition or inadequate calorie intake during the fasting. Ramadan is fasting is differs with total fasting as re-feeding is essential twice in 24 hours and no restricted exists on the nature of food to be consumed during the re-feeding. The prescribed fast of Muslims has unique medical benefits due to the following factors:
- The type of food taken during Ramadan does not have any selective criteria of crash diet such as protein only or fruits only. Everything that is permissible is taken in moderation.
- Ramadan is a month of self-regulation and self-training in terms of food intake, thereby causing hopefully, a permanent change in eating patterns and resultant weight loss for those who need to lose weight
- Additional prayers are prescribed after dinner, which helps metabolize the food. A study has indicated that about 200 calories are burnt during tarawih, the special night prayer of Ramadan. This form of prayer, as well as the five daily prescribed prayers use all the muscles and joints and can be considered a mild form of exercise in terms of calorie output.
-Ramadan fasting is actually an exercise in self-discipline and can become habit-breaking fot those who are chain smokers or who nibble food constantly, or drink coffee every hour.
What To Eat During Ramadan
The diet should not differ very much from our normal diets and should be as simple as possible. Eating a variety of food using the principles of moderation and balance, is the foremost part of dietary guidelines that is internationally recognized. To be healthy, one must consume foods from the major food groups such as bread and cereal, milk and diary products, meat and beans, vegetables and fruits. A balanced diet improves the blood cholesterol profile, reduces gastric acidity, prevents constipation and other digestive problems and contributes to an active and healthy lifestyle.
In view of long hours of fasting, we should consume slow digesting foods including fiber containing foods rather than fast-digesting food. Slow-digesting foods last up to eight hours, while fast-digesting foods last between three and four hours. Slow-digesting foods are complex carbohydrates such as grains and seeds like barley, wheat, oats, millet, semolina, beans, lentils, whole meal flour, unpolished (brown) rice and such. A form of "time-released" food intake would greatly assist us in going through the day ahead.
Fiber-containing foods are wholegrain cereals, bran-containing foods, whole wheat and whole wheat flour, oats, brown rice, nasi ulam; vegetables like green beans, peas, spinach, pucuk ubi, ulam, kangkung; all fruits and dried fruits, especially dried apricots, figs, dates, raisin and prunes; nuts such as almond, walnuts; seed such as pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. Eating oat meals is not a bad idea.
Fast-burning foods are refined carbohydrates and highly processed foods. These include foods that contain sugar, sweet kuih, cordials and soft drinks. Grains that are stripped of their fiber such as white flour, polished white rice and pulut (glutinous rice) are also classified as refined carbohydrates. Excessive intake of these results in a burn-out ot tired feeling a short while after consumption. It’s best to avoid fried and fatty foods as these cause indigestion, heartburn and weight problems. Avoid also foods containing too much sugar and foods that are very spicy.
When breaking fast, a normal diet should be resumed gradually, beginning with light, easily digested foods such as fruits or fruits juices followed by modest meal and thereafter a snack, at spaced intervals. At sahur (the last meal before sunrise), complex carbohydrates should be consumed to reduce hunger pangs throughout the day. Dates are excellent source of sugar, carbohydrate, fiber, potassium and magnesium. Almonds are rich in protein and fiber with less saturated fat. Bananas are a good source of potassium, magnesium and carbohydrates. Drink as much water or fruit juices as possible between the night meal and bedtime so that your body may adjust the fluid levels in time.
This can be caused by too much refined foods, too little water and not enough fiber in the diet. This can be overcome by avoiding excessive refined foods, increase in water intake and by eating enough fruits and vegetables.
Caffeine and tobacco withdrawal, lack of sleep and hunger could all contribute to headaches that worsen at the end of the day. To overcome headaches, try cutting down gradually on caffeine and tobacco (quitting tobacco altogether may not be such a bad idea really), starting a week or two before Ramadhan do get enough sleep above 7 hours per night. If you lose some hours at night, you may make up during the day.
Increased Gastric Acidity
If you have a burning feeling or heaviness in the stomach and a sour mouth (pahit mulut) then you do have a mild case of increased gastric acidity. Natural or supplementary dietary fiber may help to reduce gastric acidity and access bile acids. Whole-wheat bread, vegetables, legumes, beans, and fruits such as banana are excellent source of natural dietary fiber. They would help to trigger the delayed muscle actions that are much needed to digest the food in the stomach (small intestine). Those with peptic ulcer should avoid eating spicy food and acar (my favorite).
Muscle Cramps
This is caused by inadequate intake of calcium, magnesium and potassium. Eat foods rich in these minerals – vegetables, fruits especially bananas and dates, diary product and meats. But if you have allergy to dairy products you may substitute with Soya produce. Subsequently you may also acquire these essentials through the intakes of supplementary vitamins at the recommendation of your doctor. Please consult your doctor for advice before taking any sorts of vitamin supplements.
Low Blood Sugar
Some who fast and are not diabetic also experience weakness, dizziness, tiredness, poor concentration, have tremors (ninda saya kata kelam biji mata :), are unable to perform physical activities, have headache or minor to severe palpitations. These may be symptom of low blood sugar. Having just a little too much of refined carbohydrates at sahur (supper) could result in an insulin rush, causing the blood glucose to drop rapidly. Limiting the intake of rich sugar containing food during breaking of fast and sahur would go a long way in preventing a rapid drop in sugar level later on in the day. With these kinds of foods you must remember that they are rich in sugar, they pack in the sugar fast and they would just as well deplete just as fast. What you would want is some form of “timed release” control of sugar in the body.
When breaking fast, consume a lot of fresh fruits and non sugary fruit juice which are good source of sustainable energy.
People with diabetic type 1 or type 2 and other illnesses must consult their doctor before fasting. Adjustment in medication intake/routine, special diet and activity level may be needed. Please consult your doctor for advice. Please-please do so.
Generally, diabetic mellitus type 2 is manageable through proper diet and restricted activities during Ramadan fasting. This also goes for insulin dependant type 1. Having diabetic simply means that you must practice a detailed and tip top healthy life style. And seriously, don’t we all should be doing this too now? Please do consult your doctor for advice. All in all, please do eat moderately and practice a balanced and healthy life style always.
I sum up this writing with a quote from Dr. Otto Buschinger a senior general medical practitioner in
Lastly, drink plenty of good clean plain water. The prophet Muhamad (peace be upon him) have described that drinking water is both good for this world and in the hereafter too. His personal favorite would be barley juice in its most natural form and taste. Salam Ramadan al Mubarak to all.
the fasting routine.